MicroMain Mobile
Help Guide
Work Orders Page/List Tab (Home Page)
General Navigation in the Work Orders Page
Navigating to an Individual Work Order Page
Entering Work Order Labor
Updating Parts
Viewing and Updating Inspection Points
Viewing and Updating Inspection Points by Scanning
Viewing and Adding Other Costs
Viewing Assets, Parts, Inspection Points, and Labor by Bar Code (Control Code) Search
Adding or Changing Control Codes (Bar Codes)
Navigating to the View Asset List
Viewing Work Orders Associated with an Asset
Viewing Parts Associated with an Asset
Viewing Meters Associated with an Asset
Viewing Warranties Associated with an Asset
Navigating to the View Timesheet Page
Viewing and Editing a Timesheet
Approving or Rejecting a Timesheet (Administrator)
Editing Labor Hour Types (Administrator)
Viewing Timesheet Reports (Administrator)
Log on to MicroMain Mobile using
your MicroMain user credentials (see the MicroMain Control Center Help file for complete details on
managing user access to MicroMain Mobile). The web
address for MicroMain Mobile is: http://[your server name or IP]/mobile/.
Return to Contents
After logging on to MicroMain Mobile, most users will be taken to the List tab of the Work Orders page, with the following exceptions:
· Users who only have access to Timesheet will be taken to the Timesheet page.
· Users who only have access to Dashboard will be taken to the Dashboard page.
· Users who only have access to view assets will be taken to the Assets page.
Note: Page access is set through MicroMain Control Center.
MicroMain Mobile, the Header bar at the top of each
page will display the title for the current view (e.g., Work Orders, Scan
Items). The Header bar also contains a button to log out of the application
(Logout) and the Navigation button to access the Navigation panel.
The Navigation button gives the user access to the Navigation panel.
Use the
Navigation panel to navigate to a particular page within the application, including
those related to Dashboard, Work Orders, Control Codes, Assets, Timesheet, and
Toggle Mobile/Desktop. The Navigation panel can be accessed at any time by
tapping the Navigation button in the upper-right hand corner of each page.
Note: Pages available in the Navigation panel will be based on the logged in user’s credentials.
The Navigation panel offers the following page access:
· Dashboard: View Dashboard, Set Dashboard Thresholds
· Work Orders: Create New Work Order, List All Work Orders, Work Orders by Month, Work Orders by Week, Work Orders by Day
· Control Codes: Bar Code Search, Add Control Codes
· Assets: View Asset List
· Timesheet: View Time Sheet, Enter Non-Work Order Time, Edit Labor Hour Types, View Report
Mobile/Desktop: Desktop View,
Mobile View
At the bottom of each page is the toolbar, which includes a Home button to return to the initial page and a Help button to access this Help file. In some pages, the toolbar also contains a Back button, a Save button, a Cancel button, an Add button, and/or a Scan button.
For best results, avoid using your browser’s back and forward buttons to prevent possible data loss. When you input new data into a page, always tap the Save button located on the bottom toolbar.
Orders Page/List Tab (Home Page)
General Navigation in the Work Orders Page
Use the top Navigation bar under the Header bar to switch between tabs (Dash, List, Month, Week, Day) and the bottom toolbar to move between pages (Home, Help). For best results, avoid using your browser’s back and forward buttons to prevent possible data loss.
Tap the Dash tab in the top Navigation bar to view the MicroMain Mobile Dashboard.
When you access the Work Orders page, you will be located on the List tab. The List tab displays all the existing work orders in your MicroMain database. By default, work orders will be sorted in descending order according to work order number. Use the Sort list dropdown menu to change the sort order by: assigned to me, assigned, work order number (shows assigned/unassigned), service (alphabetically), asset (alphabetically), status, due, priority, or shop (alphabetically). The AZ/ZA buttons can be used to change the sort order from descending to ascending.
Up to ten work orders are displayed on each page. If there are more than ten work orders, use the navigation links at the bottom of the List tab (First/Previous/Next/Last) to move between pages. Work orders that have labor assignments will display a person icon in the background. Work orders that have labor assigned to the person logged in to Mobile will display a person with right hand raised. If there is no person icon, the work order is unassigned. The assignment information is controlled by the MicroMain Control Center application.
Tap the Month tab in the top Navigation bar to view work orders by month. In the Month tab, a monthly calendar is displayed. Dates in which work orders are due will be highlighted in blue. The numbers in parentheses indicate the amount of work orders due on that date. Tap on an individual day to view that day’s work orders in more detail. To navigate back and forth between months, tap on the arrow icons at the top of the calendar or swipe left and right on your touch-sensitive device.
Tap the Week tab in the top Navigation bar to view work orders by week. The Week tab provides a list of work orders due within a particular week. When you select the week view, by default you will be shown work orders for the current week. To navigate back and forth between weeks, use the Week toolbar just below the navigation bar, or swipe left and right on your touch-sensitive device. In the Week tab, work orders are arranged in ascending order by date. You can select a work order to view it in more detail, or you can select a date to view all the work orders due for that date.
Tap the Day tab in the top Navigation bar to view work orders by day. The Day tab provides a list of work orders for a particular day. When you select the day view, by default you will be shown work orders for the current day. To navigate back and forth between days, use the toolbar just below the navigation bar, or swipe left and right on your touch-sensitive device. From this view you can select a work order to view it in more detail.
Below the Navigation bar is a Set Filters button. After tapping the Set Filters button, you can filter listed work orders by Location (Property, Building, Floor), Work Order Type (e.g., Demand), Shop, and Labor. To clear all filter settings, tap Clear Filters. After setting your desired filters, tap Save Filters to return to the List tab. Work orders will display according to the filters you defined in the Set Filters menu. These filters will also affect the work orders displayed on the Dashboard, Month, Week, and Day tabs. If you want work orders assigned to the current labor to display at the top of the list of work orders, tap Yes in the Filter Mine First section.
Accessing the Dashboard
When you log on to MicroMain
Mobile, you will arrive on the List tab of the Work Orders page. Tap the Dash tab in the top Navigation bar to
view the MicroMain Dashboard. Work orders that appear
in the dashboard can be filtered using the Set Filters menu (see: Set Filters Button). You can also access the
Dashboard by tapping the Navigation button
, then tapping View Dashboard in the Navigation panel.
The overview page is the broadest level of detail for individual Dashboard topics. There are five topics that can be viewed: Work Order, Inventory, Labor, Cost, and Failure. Each topic is associated with an indicator color based on predefined thresholds for several key performance indicators (KPIs). Green indicates that all of that topic’s KPIs are within acceptable parameters. Yellow indicates one or more KPIs are within borderline parameters. Red indicates one or more KPIs are below acceptable parameters. Selecting a topic will direct you to that topic’s KPI page.
The KPI page lists several KPIs associated with a particular Dashboard topic. Each KPI is displayed as a row consisting of a title, a value, and an indicator color. The title describes the data being evaluated. The value is the current state of the KPI (this value is recalculated each time the KPI page is accessed.) The indicator color (green, orange, or red) indicates whether or not the value is acceptable, borderline, or falls below acceptable parameters. Tapping a KPI will direct you to the Relevant Details page.
KPI Page: Work Orders
Work Order
· Emergency – All work orders not completed or canceled with the type “Emergency.”
· Past Due – All work orders not completed or canceled in which the due date is older than the current date.
· Active – All work orders currently in requested or open status.
· Requested – All work orders currently in requested status.
· Open – All work orders currently in open status.
· Hold – All work orders currently in hold status.
· Unassigned – All work orders currently in unassigned.
· On Hand Over Max – Count of all parts that have on hand quantities over the maximum specified.
· On Hand Under Min – Count of all parts that have on hand quantities under the minimum specified.
· Available Under Min – Count of all parts that have available quantities under the minimum specified.
· Ordered: Part Count – Count of all parts on order.
· Ordered: Total Cost – Total cost of all parts on order.
· Ordered: Cost Each – Highest item cost for a single part.
· Assigned Hours: All – Total hours assigned for all labor.
· Assigned Hours: Indv – Total hours assigned for individual labor.
· Labor – Displays total number of work orders completed on the current day that include labor. Displays the total cost of labor for all of these work orders.
· Parts – Displays total number of work orders completed on the current day that include parts. Displays the total cost for parts for all of these work orders.
· Other – Displays total number of work orders completed on the current day that include misc cost. Displays the total cost for misc. cost for all of these work orders.
· Total – Displays total number of work orders completed on the current day that include labor, parts, or misc cost. Displays the total cost for labor, parts, and misc cost for all of these work orders.
· Highest WO: Labor – Displays the highest labor cost for a single work order completed on the current day.
· Highest WO: Parts – Displays the highest part cost for a single work order completed on the current day.
· Highest WO: Other – Displays the highest misc cost for a single work order completed on the current day.
· Highest WO: Total – Displays the highest total cost for a single work order completed on the current day.
· Lists all defined failures, and the number of work orders that were associated with each failure type.
From the KPI page, tap on an individual KPI to view its details page. The details page will be populated with data relevant to that KPI, including:
· Work Order – Work Order Number, Property, Building, Asset, Location, Service, Status, Priority, and Due. Tapping a work order will redirect you to the individual work order page.
· Inventory – Part, Description, Location, On Hand, Available, Min, and Max OR Order, Order Date, Supplier, Comments, Part, Count, Unit Cost, and Cost.
· Labor – Labor, Title, Work, Mobile, and Est. WO Hours.
· Cost – Work Order, Cost, and Labor, Parts, or Misc Cost.
· Failure – Work Order Number, Property, Building, Asset, Location, Service, Status Description, Failure1, and Failure2
Note: Work orders that appear in the dashboard’s KPI details can be filtered using the Set Filters menu (see: Set Filters button).
Tap the Navigation button in the Header bar, then
tap Set Dashboard Thresholds to
access the Setting Thresholds page. Use the controls on the Setting Thresholds
page to associate new KPI parameters with the Dashboard indicator colors. You
can define parameters for each of the five Dashboard topics.
to an Individual Work Order Page
From any page in MicroMain Mobile that lists work orders, tap on a desired
work order to open the relevant individual Work Order page.
1. Tap the Navigation button.
2. Tap Create New Work Order.
3. Select a Service from the drop-down list, or add a service by typing it in the provided text box.
4. Select a Property from the drop-down list.
5. Select a Building from the drop-down list. The buildings displayed are dependent upon the property selected in the previous step.
6. Select an Asset Group from the drop-down menu.
7. Select an Asset from the drop-down menu. The assets displayed are dependent upon the property, building, and asset group selected in the previous steps.
8. Tap Create WO to save the work order.
1. From any page in MicroMain Mobile that lists work orders, tap on a desired work order to open the relevant Individual Work Order page.
2. Tap the Work Order row to expand it, if it’s not already expanded.
3. Choose a Service from the drop-down menu, or add a service by typing in the text box provided.
4. The Asset and Property fields are populated when the work order is created and cannot be updated.
5. In the Change Work Order Status section, modify the status of your work order by tapping the desired button.
Note: If the option is set in Control Center to enable multi-labor completion independent of work order closeout, labor can tap Done and not close out the work order if other labor is assigned to the work order and still needs to complete work for the work order. If labor tries to close out the work order before other assigned labor has completed their work, an alert will display.
6. Expand the Details row to perform the following actions:
a. Select a Substatus from the drop-down list.
b. Select a Shop from the drop-down list.
c. Enter a Location in the text box provided.
d. Select a Priority from the drop-down list, with 0 being the highest, and 9 being the lowest.
e. Select the Due date from the calendar.
f. The Type, Requester, and Requester’s Phone are view-only fields and cannot be updated in MicroMain Mobile. Changes to the fields must be made in MicroMain Maintenance.
g. Select the Primary Failure and Secondary Failure from the drop-down lists.
h. Enter the Downtime in hours and tenths or hundredths of hours. For example, 5.25 hours indicates five hours and 15 minutes.
i. Select an Account from the drop-down menu.
j. The type of work is displayed in the checkboxes at the bottom of the Details tab. These checkboxes are read-only fields that are controlled through the MicroMain Maintenance program, and cannot be updated by Mobile users.
7. Expand the Description row to append description information to the work order. Tap the Append an Activity drop-down menu to enter a predefined description, or type a new description in the text box provided. When you are ready to add your description, tap the Add to Description button.
8. Expand the Comments row to append comment information to the work order. Tap the Append an Activity drop-down menu to enter a predefined comment, or type a new comment in the text box provided.
9. When you are ready to add your comment, tap the Add to Comments button.
10. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Labor tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the Add button on the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
3. Select a Labor from the drop-down list.
4. Tap the Save button in the bottom toolbar to save your changes.
Note: Leave the Date, Time In, Time Out and Hours as they are. Otherwise hours worked will be applied to the work order. See Entering Work Order Labor Hours for instructions on how to add time worked on a work order.
Note: Your mobile device must be configured and paired with a Bluetooth barcode scanner before performing this procedure.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Labor tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the Scan button on the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
3. Ensure that the cursor is positioned in the Scan Barcode (Control Number) field.
4. Activate your Bluetooth barcode scanner and load the barcode into the field.
Note: The scanner assumes keyboard control from the mobile device when activated. You must power down the scanner to return keyboard control to your mobile device after scanning the barcode.
Note: Leave the Date, Time In, Time Out and Hours as they are. Otherwise hours worked will be applied to the work order. See Entering Work Order Labor Hours for instructions on how to add time worked on a work order.
5. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Entering Work Order Labor Hours
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Labor tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the row of the labor you wish to update.
Select a Date from the pop-up
calendar by tapping the Calendar icon.
4. Tap the In button to enter the current time as start time, or manually enter the start time using the controls provided.
5. Tap the Out button to enter the current time as the end time, or manually enter the end time using the controls provided.
Note: If the time out is expected to be past midnight, add new labor after midnight to log the additional time.
6. Verify the Hours section which automatically displays the amount of time spent, or manually enter the total hours using the controls provided.
7. Tap Done if labor is complete for the work order for that laborer.
8. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Parts tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the Add button on the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
3. Select a Location from the drop-down menu.
4. If you would like to further filter your part search results, select a Manufacturer, Class, and/or Category from the drop-down menus. You can also check the Only Search Parts Associated with Asset box.
Note: Tap the Clear Filters button to clear the current filters.
5. Type a part name in the Search Part field.
6. Select a part from the search results drop-down list.
Note: The searchable parts are dependent on the location, manufacturer, class, category and asset association check box selected in the previous steps.
7. Enter the part quantity in the Actual Quantity field.
8. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Note: Your mobile device must be configured and paired with a Bluetooth barcode scanner before performing this procedure.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Parts tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the Scan button on the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
3. Ensure that the cursor is positioned in the Scan Barcode (Control Number) field.
4. Activate your Bluetooth barcode scanner and load the barcode into the field.
Note: The scanner assumes keyboard control from the mobile device when activated. You must power down the scanner to return keyboard control to your mobile device after scanning the barcode.
5. Select a Location from the drop-down list.
6. Enter the Actual Quantity of the part to add to the work order.
7. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the Parts tab in the top Navigation bar.
2. Tap the row of the part item you wish to update.
3. The Part, Location, and Estimated Quantity are read-only fields.
4. Enter a new Actual Quantity if desired.
5. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Viewing and Updating Inspection Points Manually
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the More… tab in the top Navigation bar. In the More… drop-down menu, tap Points.
Note: If inspection points were not assigned to the work order in MicroMain Maintenance, the Inspection Points list will be empty.
The Inspection Points list shows all the inspection points assigned to the work order. Under the Scan Barcode (Control Number) field is a Sort list. In the drop-down options, Point sorts the Inspection Points
list by the inspection point, Group sorts by the inspection
point group, Status sorts by the current status of the inspection point (Pass,
Fail, or Unvisited), and Sort sorts by the sort priority.
2. Sort the Inspection Points list by using the filter list as you would with work orders.
3. Tap an inspection point in the Inspection Points List to manually access the Edit Point form.
4. Use the controls on the Edit Point form to view or modify: Comments, Status, Rating, Measurement, Corrective Action, Visited Date, Visited Time.
Note: Modifying the Status will cause Visited Date and Visited Time to automatically populate with the current values. Visited Date and Visited Time can also be manually edited.
5. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
6. If the inspection point Status is changed to Failed during editing, tap the New WO button if you want to issue a corrective work order for the failed inspection point using Mobile, then:
a. Tap the Service drop-down to choose a service or type a service into the Service field.
b. Either tap Create WO (Navigate to new Work Order) to be taken to the Individual Work Order page to update the newly created work order, or tap Create WO (Navigate back to Inspection Point List) to generate a new work order automatically, then be taken back to the Inspection Point list to complete the rest of your current work order inspections.
Viewing and Updating Inspection Points by Scanning
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), select the More… tab in the top Navigation bar. In the More… drop-down menu, select Points.
Note: If inspection points were not assigned to the work order in MicroMain Maintenance, the Inspection Points list will be empty.
2. Ensure that the cursor is positioned in the Scan Barcode (Control Number) field.
3. Activate your Bluetooth barcode scanner and load the barcode into the field.
Note: The scanner assumes keyboard control from the mobile device when activated. You must power down the scanner to return keyboard control to your mobile device after scanning the barcode.
4. The Edit Point page for the point you scanned will display. If the status of an inspection point is Unvisited, scanning will change the status to Passed and the Visited Date and Visited Time will automatically populate with the current values.
Note: If the status is already set to Passed or Failed, scanning will cause the Edit Point form to open. You may then use the controls on the Edit Point form to view or modify: Comments, Status, Rating, Measurement, Corrective Action, Visited Date, Visited Time.
5. Use the controls on the Edit Point form to view or modify: Comments, Status, Rating, Measurement, Corrective Action, Visited Date, Visited Time.
6. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
7. If the inspection point Status is changed to Failed during editing, tap the New WO button if you want to issue a corrective work order for the failed inspection point using Mobile, then:
a. Tap the Service drop-down to choose a service or type a service into the Service field.
b. Either tap Create WO (Navigate to new Work Order) to be taken to the Individual Work Order page to update the newly created work order, or tap Create WO (Navigate back to Inspection Point List) to generate a new work order automatically, then be taken back to the Inspection Point list to complete the rest of your current work order inspections.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the More… tab in the top Navigation bar. In the More… drop-down menu, tap Meters.
The Meters list shows all the meters assigned to the work order. Under the top Navigation bar is the Sort list. In the drop-down options, Meter ID sorts the Meters list by the meter ID, Meter sorts by meter, and
Last Reading sorts by last reading.
2. Sort the list by using the Sort list as you would with work orders.
3. Tap a meter to open the Edit Meter page.
4. Enter the new reading in the Reading field, then tap the Update button. All other fields are read-only fields.
5. Tap Back on the toolbar at the bottom of the page to return to the work order or Home to go to the work order list.
Viewing and Adding Other Costs
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the More… tab in the top Navigation bar. In the More… drop-down menu, tap Other Costs.
2. If there are existing Other Costs associated with this work order, they will be displayed on this page. Use the sort list to sort by Other Cost, Description, or Date. The AZ/ZA buttons can be used to change the sort order from descending to ascending.
3. Tap an Other Cost row to view or edit the information on the Edit Other Cost page, including:
· Description
· Date
· Estimated Cost
· Cost (if the Auto Cost box is checked, you cannot edit the Cost field)
· Charge (if the Auto Charge box is checked, you cannot edit the Charge field)
· Account
· Category
· Comments
4. Tap the Save button on the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
5. To add a new Other Cost:
a. Tap the Add button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page while in the Other Cost list.
b. Tap a predefined Other Cost template to add a new Other Cost to the work order. To modify this newly-added Other Cost, follow Steps 3 and 4 above.
6. Tap the Back button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to return to the work order, or tap Home to go to the Work Orders Page.
1. From an Individual Work Order page (tap on any work order to open the Individual Work Order page), tap the More… tab in the top Navigation bar. In the More… drop-down menu, tap Documents.
2. If there are existing Documents associated with this work order (including documents attached in the MicroMain Maintenance program through the Mobile Docs page in the Work Order form), they will be displayed on the Documents page. Use the Sort list to sort by Document or Type. The AZ/ZA buttons can be used to change the sort order from descending to ascending.
3. Tap a Document row to download the document.
4. Tap Back to go back to the Document page.
4. Tap the X to the right of any document on the documents list to delete the document.
5. Tap New to add documents from your mobile device to the current work order.
a. Tap Add Files. Browse and add as many files as you like.
b. Tap Upload All.
Viewing Assets, Parts, Inspection Points,
and Labor by Bar Code (Control Code) Search
1. Tap the Navigation
button from any screen.
2. Tap Bar Code Search.
3. Ensure that the cursor is positioned in the Scan Barcode (Control Number) field.
4. Activate your Bluetooth barcode scanner and load the barcode into the field or, alternatively, type the control number into the field.
Note: The scanner assumes keyboard control from the mobile device when activated. You must power down the scanner to return keyboard control to your mobile device after scanning the barcode.
Any assets, parts, inspection points, or labor with the same control number will display in the list below for your review.
Adding or
Changing Control Codes (Bar Codes)
1. Tap the Navigation
button from any screen.
2. Tap Add Control Codes.
3. Tap the Type list to choose which type of item (Asset, Part, Inspection Point, or Labor) should receive the control code.
4. Type an asset, part, inspection point, or labor name in the search bar to find the item you wish to code.
Note: The Search list returns are filtered by the type you chose from the Type list.
5. Tap the item you wish to code from the Search list returns.
6. Ensure that the cursor is positioned in the Scan Control Number field.
7. Activate your Bluetooth barcode scanner and load the barcode into the field or, alternatively, type the control number into the field.
Note: The scanner assumes keyboard control from the mobile device when activated. You must power down the scanner to return keyboard control to your mobile device after scanning the barcode.
8. Tap the Update Control Number button.
9. Tap OK on the confirmation field to confirm the change or addition.
Navigating to the View Asset List
To open the View Asset List:
1. Tap the Navigation button
from any screen to open the Navigation panel.
2. Tap View Asset List.
Note: The logged in user must have the appropriate credentials in order to see the View Asset List.
The View Asset List displays the list of assets in your database. To find an individual asset:
3. Use the Sort list to sort by Asset, Property, Manufacturer, Model Number, or Description. The AZ/ZA buttons can be used to change the sort order from descending to ascending.
Note: Alternatively, you can scan or type an asset control number into the Scan Barcode field.
4. Tap a desired asset to view its Asset Details Page.
The Asset Details page displays details about an individual asset (tap an asset in the View asset list to view its asset details). From here you can navigate to any of that asset’s parent or child assets, navigate to a different asset by scanning or typing an asset control number into the Scan Barcode field, or tap the Back button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
Viewing Work Orders Associated with an Asset
1. From the Asset Details page (tap an asset in the View Asset list to view its asset details), tap the Work Orders tab in the navigation bar.
2. A list of work orders associated with that asset will be displayed.
3. If the work order is currently in Open, Hold, or Requested status, you can select it and navigate to its editable Individual Work Order page.
4. A new work order can also be created for this asset by tapping the Create WO button at the top of the page.
Viewing Parts Associated with an Asset
1. From the Asset Details page (tap an asset in the View Asset list to view its asset details), tap the More… drop-down, then tap Parts.
2. A list of parts associated with that asset will be displayed.
Viewing Meters Associated with an Asset
1. From the Asset Details page (tap an asset in the View Asset list to view its asset details), tap the More… drop-down, then tap Meters.
2. A list of meters associated with that asset will be displayed.
Viewing Warranties Associated with an Asset
1. From the Asset Details page (tap an asset in the View Asset list to view its asset details), tap the More… drop-down, then tap Warranties.
2. A list of warranties associated with that asset will be displayed.
to the View Timesheet Page
In the View Timesheet page, a user can view and edit all hours (work order and non-work time) by labor and week, and enter non-work order time. Administrator’s can also approve or reject timesheets.
To open the Timesheet page:
1. Tap the Navigation button
from any screen to open the Navigation panel.
2. Tap View Timesheet.
Note: If you are a timesheet user, you will have access to the View Timesheet page. Access is granted through Maintenance Control Center.
Note: If you are an Administrator (access is granted through
Maintenance Control Center), you can navigate to all of the pages in the
Timesheet category by tapping the Navigation button ,
then choosing the appropriate page in the Navigation panel. Available pages
include: View Time Sheet, Enter Non Work Order Time, Edit Labor Hour Types, and
View Report.
Viewing and Editing a
In the View Timesheet page, a user can view and
edit all hours (work order and non-work time) by labor and week.
To view and edit timesheet hours:
1. In the View Timesheet page, tap the Calendar icon , then
tap the desired month and day you want to view, or tap the date arrows
to scroll to the desired work week.
2. Tap the Labor list dropdown, then tap the desired labor, if you are an Administrator.
3. Tap a non-work order time entry to edit, if desired.
a. Tap the Hours and Minutes buttons to change the number of hours.
b. Tap Save in the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
c. Tap Back to go back to the View Timesheet page.
Note: Tap Delete to delete the entry, if desired.
4. Tap a work order time to edit.
a. Select, in the Sort list, whether to sort by Labor, Hours, or Date to find the labor’s time you want to edit.
b. Tap a labor to edit.
c. Select a Date from the pop-up calendar by tapping the Calendar icon.
d. Tap the In button to enter the current time as start time, or manually enter the start time using the controls provided.
e. Tap the Out button to enter the current time as the end time, or manually enter the end time using the controls provided.
Note: If the time out is expected to be past midnight, add new labor after midnight to log the additional time.
f. Verify the Hours section which automatically displays the amount of time worked, or manually enter the total hours using the controls provided.
g. Tap Done if labor is complete for the work order for that laborer.
h. Tap the Save button in the toolbar at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
In the View Timesheet page, you can enter non-work
order time. You can
also enter non-work order time by tapping the Navigation button
then tapping Enter Non-Work Order Time
in the Navigation panel.
Note: Work order labor time is entered through an Individual Work Order page/Labor tab. See Entering Work Order Labor Hours for instructions on adding work order time.
To add non-work order time in the Timesheet page or via the Enter Non-Work Order Time link in the Navigation panel:
1. Tap Add on the toolbar at the bottom of the page to go to the New Time Entry page.
2. Complete the following fields:
· Labor
· Date
· Hours and Minutes
· Labor Hour Type
3. Tap Save at the bottom of the page or Cancel if you want to cancel the process.
Approving or Rejecting a Timesheet (Administrator)
To Approve or Reject a timesheet in the View Timesheets page:
1. Tap Approve to approve the timesheet for the chosen labor and work week.
2. Tap Reject to reject the timesheet for the chosen labor and work week.
Note: If you reject a timesheet, the Compose Email page will display. In the Email Body section, type a reason for the rejection, then tap Send Email.
Note: To require timesheet approval, the Require Timesheet Approval check box must be checked in Maintenance Control Center’s Options tab, System Options page.
Editing Labor Hour Types (Administrator)
The Edit Labor Hour Types page is used to delete or add Labor Hour Types.
To edit labor hour types:
1. Tap the Navigation button
from any screen to open the Navigation panel.
2. Tap Edit Labor Hour Types.
3. To delete a labor hour type, tap the desired type in the Labor Hour Types dropdown, then tap the Deleted button.
4. To add a new labor hour type, type a type in the Add New Labor Hour Type field.
5. Tap the Add New button.
Viewing Timesheet Reports (Administrator)
The View Report page displays Timesheet entries for both work order time and non-work order time in a report format.
To configure and view a report for a laborer (by labor and date):
1. Tap the Navigation button
from any screen to open the Navigation panel.
2. Tap View Report.
3. Pick a start date by tapping the From date field, tapping a month arrow in the calendar to pick the month, then tapping a date.
4. Pick an end date by tapping the To date field, tapping a month arrow in the calendar to pick the month, then tapping a date.
5. Tap the Labor field, then choose a labor.
To toggle between the desktop view and the mobile view of MicroMain Mobile:
1. Tap the Navigation button
from any screen to open the Navigation panel.
2. Tap Desktop View or Mobile View.
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